Pick your tan (color) $65.00

Add on scrub $40.00

Tips for spray tanning

1 Day before you tan, based on your sensitivity: plan all hair removal services 24-48 hours before spray tanning. This will minimize possible irritation, and allow open hair follicles/pores to close. This will minimize a dotted tan appearance.  We recommend waxing and laser services always be done 48 hours in advance.

Night before you tan, or day of: Skin should be clean, dry and well exfoliated before your spray tanning application. Please use a clear/transparent GEL soap (brand does not matter, but do avoid DOVE or opaque milky looking products – no bar soap please) Please remove all cosmetics, scrubs, lotions, soaps, hair conditioners, shampoos, hair removal product or shave product residues from the skin. These can coat the skin and effect tan application.

If the skin has been waxed, remove all wax residue. Please use an exfoliation mitt, cloth or glove on all body surfaces, including arm pits, chest, back, focus on dry areas such as knees, elbows, hands and feet.

Tanning Day: Showering is recommended to remove sweat, skin oils, cosmetics, anti-persperants, lotions and perfumes from the skin. Skin should be clean, dry, sweat and product free for the best tanning absorption, and even results. Wear a tight dark garment, that you do not mind getting tanning solution on for your spray session. Keep in mind, Nylon, Lycra, Spandex, Silk and Wool may all stain from self-tanning products. Please advise your technical of any known allergies, health concerns or if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

After your spray session: During tan development,wear loose, dark comfortable clothing, that will not be damaged from spray tan rub off. Tight garments, jeans, undergarments, socks and shoes can rub against your fresh tan, and create lines. Wear house shoes, loose thong shoes or sandals. Use an umbrella if weather is rainy, and avoid splashing the skin with water.

Please protect car seats, fabrics and leather, or porous surfaces you may sit on, with a towel to prevent staining. Clean toilet seats post use, if needed to prevent stains. Use dark sheets on bedding before your shower, to prevent color guide bronzer transfer stains.

Avoid sweating, or water exposure, post tan for 8 hours, or until your post tan shower. Hands may be cleansed by wiping palms only with a wet cloth or wet wipe. If make-up application is desired, limit products to powder based items only, until post tan shower. If wearing a scented spray or perfume, please spray air (not skin surface) and walk through the cloud, to minimize tan damage. Scented body powders may be used freely.

Avoid touching your freshly tanned skin, during development time. Clean palms if product transfers to them, using alcohol based facial toner, or nail polish remover.

First Post Tan Shower: Please shower based on the information provided to you by your Spray Tanning Technician. Your tan will take 24-48 hours approximately to completely darken, no matter which product blend you have used. Color will continue to darken after showering.

During your first shower, you may see a brown tint wash away in the shower water. This is the temporary cosmetic bronzer colorant, that allowed the tan to be seen when first sprayed onto the skin. This is not your sunless tan, but only a cosmetic “guide”. It is normal for this to wash away upon showering. You will see, when viewing your pale tan line, the depth of color of your tan. This will not be the exact tone or darkness, as when the temporary bronzer color was on the skin. This